Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that affects the skin, scalp and nails. It causes the skin to become thick, red, and scaly, and can also cause itching and pain. Psoriasis is caused by an overactive immune system that triggers inflammation and an excessive production of skin cells. Psoriasis affecting the scalp skin is known as scalp psoriasis. Psoriasis can also affect the nails.

There are several types of psoriasis, including:

  • Plaque psoriasis: The most common form of psoriasis, characterized by thick, red, and scaly patches of skin. This includes scalp psoriasis.
  • Guttate psoriasis: A type of psoriasis that appears as small, red, scaly spots on the skin.
  • Inverse psoriasis: A type of psoriasis that appears in skin folds, such as the armpits and groin.
  • Pustular psoriasis: A rare type of psoriasis that causes pus-filled bumps to appear on the skin.
  • Erythrodermic psoriasis: A severe type of psoriasis that affects the entire body, causing redness, itching, and pain.

Psoriasis can be triggered by a variety of factors, including stress, infection, injury to the skin, and certain medications.

Some common triggers of psoriasis include:

  • Stress: Stress can weaken the immune system and trigger psoriasis flare-ups.
  • Infections: Bacterial or viral infections can trigger psoriasis in some people.
  • Injury to the skin: Scratching, sunburns, and other types of skin trauma can trigger psoriasis.
  • Certain medications: Some medications, such as beta-blockers and lithium, can trigger psoriasis as a side effect.

Psoriasis treatment usually involves a combination of strategies to manage symptoms and prevent flare-ups. We treat all types of psoriasis and psoriasis located to but not exclusive of specialist sites such as scalp psoriasis and facial psoriasis.

Some common treatments include:

  • Topical medications: These are medications that are applied directly to the skin, such as corticosteroids, retinoids, and salicylic acid. They work by reducing inflammation and slowing down the production of skin cells. These may include ointments or creams for psoriasis.
  • Phototherapy: This involves exposing the skin to ultraviolet light, which can help reduce inflammation and slow down the production of skin cells.
  • Systemic medications: In some cases, oral or injected medications such as biologics and methotrexate may be prescribed to help manage psoriasis.
  • Lifestyle changes: Making changes to your diet and lifestyle can help prevent flare-ups. This may involve avoiding certain foods, managing stress, and maintaining a healthy weight.

It’s important to work closely with a healthcare provider or dermatologist to develop a treatment plan that works best for your specific case of psoriasis.

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